An open house is a huge opportunity for anyone hoping to sell — but you can’t just throw open the doors of your home as-is and expect great results. Before you get ready to open your house up to the masses, make sure you’re following all of these steps.
Clutter-free surfaces: Remove all possible clutter.
Deep cleaned: Clean from top to bottom.
No personal items: Remove all your personal items.
Cozy scenes in each room: Create little vignettes for buyers.
Patched, painted walls: Make sure walls are painted and patched.
Nice linens on bed: Dig out the nice linens.
Fluffy towels in bathroom: Use your best towels in the bathroom.
Mirrors on walls: Hang mirrors to expand space.
Shining sinks, showers, toilets: Spruce up your sinks, showers, and toilets.
Drip-free faucets: Fix any leaky faucets.
Bright light bulbs in every room: Replace light bulbs.
Half-empty closets: Clear out closets so buyers can see them.
Fresh flowers and mown lawn out front: Make sure your curb appeal pops.
Pets secured: Secure any pets out of the way.
Valuables locked up in a safe: Lock up your valuables.
An open house sign out front: Post a sign out front.
A flier in the streets: Advertise everywhere — fliers, social media, and so on.
Open windows: Let in fresh air and light.
A stack of fliers on a table: Provide information about the house.
Cookies on a table: Cookies or bread smell good and refresh visitors.
No sellers around!: Leave the premises — let buyers browse without you.
Feedback forms: Collect feedback and listen to it.